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Monday, November 3, 2008

Here it is!

Well here it is, I finally made a blog. Everything in my head will be posted on here for everyone to read! It's the countdown to election day and I will be at the polls after 5pm tomorrow to place my vote for John McCain! I registered to vote when I was 18 but have not yet exercised that right until now (10 years later). I have not really been into politics until now. I feel like we have so much riding on this election. We have one candidate who has all these ties to questionable people and a questionable background. I will not vote for someone who will hand our country over to our enemies! Anyways that's all that I will start out with. Be sure to come back!


Sandy said...

Thanks for being one of the "young ones" who actually gets it!

Chad said...

Thanks for commenting Sandy. It is so crazy at how biased the media is towards Obama, and I belive alot of people in my generation will vote for him because they think it's the "cool" thing to do.